A how-to on setting up and configuring Mystic BBS on Linux Mint
Written by maskreet 1/22/2020


This is actually really easy to do, and should work on any flavor of Linux. This is all going to be command-line driven, so pay attention!

Some required software might be zip and unzip.

You can install these by opening a terminal and typing:
    sudo apt install zip unzip

An invaluable source for all things Mystic related:


Okay! First, download either the Linux 32 or 64bit version of Mystic, depending on your Linux install.

  1. Open a terminal, and navigate to where it was downloaded, usually "Downloads"
  2. type:
            cd ~/Downloads

    [ TIP: ~/ is a shortcut to your logged in user's home directory, the full path would be /home/<your username>/ ]
  3. type:
            unzip <name of Mystic zip file> -d ~/Downloads/mysticTemp

  4. Change to the temp directory
            cd mysticTemp

  5. Start the installer

    [ TIP: ./ in front of an executable just means "run this executable-type file from the current directory ]

  6. The default install directory should be /mystic. Hit F2 to start the install.

  7. When it's finished installing and you have the prompt back,
            sudo chown -R username:username /mystic

    replacing username:username with the username and group (usually the same as the username) you're logged in with and plan to run Mystic under.
    This will change ownership from root to your logged in user.
  8. type:
            sudo chmod -R 755 /mystic

    This will change read/write permissions in the Mystic directory so Mystic can function correctly.

  9. NOTE: If you plan on running Mystic on a privileged port, meaning anything under port 1024, you'll need to allow your current user to do this. Otherwise, if you're not, you can skip this step.

            setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' /mystic/mis

  10. Create the sysop account by typing:
        cd /mystic
        ./mystic -l

  11. Run through the new user account setup, create the account, then logoff.

  12. In the terminal, type:
        ./mystic -cfg

  13. Navigate to the User Editor, open it up, and select the account you just created. Hit CTRL-U, and select level 255. Hit ESC a few times to leave Mystic's config.

Now to start Mystic. It can either be run graphically, so you can see everything going on, or headless (daemon), which means it'll run in the background.

And that's it! Feel free to play around in the config. There's a lot of options, too many to cover in this simple how-to. Check the Mystic wiki for info!